Transform Your Kitchen With These Clever Wall Storage Ideas

Transform Your Kitchen With These Clever Wall Storage Ideas

Whether hidden or on display, ensure your kitchen cabinets merge style with practicality.

Wall cabinets should never be an afterthought in any kitchen.

Whether you’re storing tableware or spices, the wall cabinet should offer just as much design potential as other areas of your kitchen. It’s not just the functionality that needs to be considered, but the ability to effortlessly merge practicality with aesthetics, creating storage with real design oomph.

Take a look at the different ways you can personalise your kitchen wall cabinets below:

 1. Look Up

The traditional side opening cabinets often mean stepping back when opening. But how is that changing? Opt for fronts that raise upwards. With a more ergonomic design, this push front design allows for wider wall cabinets and more planning options.

2. Sliding Doors

Are there items you use every day that’s beautiful enough to be on display? Wall cabinets are great for storing items but with a little creative consideration, they can become a feature in their own right. Invest in a wall cabinet with a sliding front – this offers the perfect balance of functionality and aesthetics and throws in just the right amount of flexibility.

3. Light Bulb Movement

Say goodbye to unattractive under cabinet lighting. LED lighting solutions are now an integral part of the kitchen cabinet – it creates a functional illumination that is aesthetically pleasing to look at.

4. Think Outside The Box

Start thinking ‘wall storage’ rather than ‘wall cabinets’. If you throw in a dash of colour with an open cabinet, designs then become functional statements.

5. Make A Feature Of It


Turn conventional kitchen design on its head by hanging base units on the wall and turning wall cabinets into an independent design feature. Coordinating the wall panels with door fronts and adding a contrasting colour to wall storage creates wow factor with instant magnitude.

These stylish and functional kitchen cabinets provide an inspiration to achieve the kitchen of your dreams.  So if you want to start creating your perfect modern kitchen now call Cronulla Kitchen Centre